Over my college years I prided myself on being somewhat of the feminist persuasion. Not burn my bra, let unsightly armpit and leg hair grow, read everything Margaret Sanger ever wrote kind of feminist. I have just the right amount of feminist fire to extinguished my maternal instincts or need to get married any time soon. I’m also someone who fervently believes that what the sexual revolution did for women was empowering, not derogating. But I digress.
I decided to read this book because if you glanced over my first post about boys, you saw that I’m certainly in need of some sort of guidance through the tough terrain in the vast, apocalyptic world of dating. I dated the same guy on and off for six of the most passionately argumentative years of my life. Since we’ve parted ways I have met countless amounts of boys finding that none of the witty banter and pitchers of Bud Light shared has actually turned into something real (go figure).
And trust me, I’m not alone. I have a handful of gorgeous, intelligent and all around comical friends that are also playing the single game. I can’t tell you how many times one of us has met a guy and then said, “What went wrong?” I, for one, am sick of asking that question, hence why I have called for outside reinforcements. What I’ve found so far? Apparently I’m too nice. Yea, that’s a thing.
To much of my surprise, Why Men Love Bitches has given me great insight about dating and has actually reinforced some of my feminist beliefs. I have to pause and say thank you to the author Sherry Argrov for letting me off the cooking hook. Phew.
Is reading this kind of self-help propaganda a little desperate? Maybe. But if desperate is what it takes to turn a cynic into a dating optimist then I’m okay with that. But, I will always be a realist.
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